Asking the right questions when selecting a personalized jewelry solution

26.12.20 03:59 PM By Jewelutions

In order to successfully offer jewelry personalization to your shoppers, you first need to find the right solution for the job. What is a personalization solution?!

It is simply a process that spans multiple “layers” of your business. This involves several components that must work both individually, and as a whole. In this article, we describe these components, as well as the process behind creating personalized jewelry.

§1. Degrees of integration

Any jewelry personalization solution consists of various layers that may or may not be fully integrated. The entire customer experience will depend on the level of integration & automation present in your shop. 

3 integration levels

§2. Jewelry personalization: the process

The easiest way to understand the process of jewelry personalization is to look at an example. Let’s think about the journey of a generic shopper named John.

Step 1: Website visit

John lands on your shop’s website because he wants to order a customized pendant for his girlfriend's birthday. How does he do that? He chooses a customizable pendant that he will then personalize. To do that, he uses your shop’s web 3D designer. Luckily, this web tool looks and works seamlessly on his mobile phone. This represents a good and easy experience for John, who does not need to switch to his computer for the personalization and checkout processes.

Step 2: Selecting the product features

After John chooses to personalize the pendant, the web tool loads the shop’s catalog with 3D models, but also the shop’s specific fonts and symbols. John has a real-time photorealistic 3D experience. He now knows that what he is looking at is what he will get in the package. He does not need to use his imagination to “visualize” the result, it is already on the screen in front of him.

Step 3: Placing an order

John personalizes the pendant with a custom text or a symbol. Once he finishes this customization process, he simply adds the item to the shopping cart and pays, just as he would have done for a ready-made item. 

Step 4: Order processing

The order is then stored on the e-commerce platform used by the shop (i.e. Shopify). John receives the typical order confirmation emails and all follow ups configure by your marketing team. 

Step 5: Production

In the final step, the personalization producer automatically receives the order from the e-commerce platform. 

Step 6: Delivery

The producer delivery unit produces the personalized pendant and delivers it directly to the shop or John (in the case of dropshipping). 

§3. What does a jewelry personalization solution consist of?

The 4 components

§4. So what does a good jewelry personalization solution look like?

To find the right jewelry personalization solution, a shop must find the correct solution for each stage in the personalization process and logistics chain. As the shopper is a “co-creator” of the final product, you need to make sure that the “co-creation” experience is flawless.

Jewelutions offers a complete jewelry personalization solution that integrates all the personalization components. Once you install our e-commerce plugin in your shop, you can start selling personalized jewelry from day one. As for the production process, we take care of it for you fully. Including delivery.

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